Our Annual Reports
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2017, Rocky Mountain Dance Theatre, "Wild West Show" Production

2017, U.W. Art Museum, Laramie Mural Project, Gill St Extended-2
2017, Wyoming State Museum, Shakespeare's First Folio in Wyoming exhibit, Family Days
2017, Carbon County Museum, High Plains Powwow

2017, Meeteetse Museums Foundation, "Ferrett Town", community celebration on re-introduction of ferretts to area, Interview tih Gyphsy Cowbell by production crew

2017, Lander Art Center, Thunder Bird Exhibit and Education Outreach Project

2017, City of Evanston Urban Renewal Agency, Theatrical Lighting and Acoustic Panels Project

2017. Eastern Wyoming College Theatrical Lighting Upgrade Project

2017, Wyoming State Museum, Yellowstone Wagon Restoration Project

2017, Fremont County Historic Preservation Commission, Restoration of Cabin #1 at Simpson Lake Lodge, daubing work

2017, Pinedale Fine Arts Council, Soundcheck Summer Music Series, Technical Equipment
2017, The American Legion, Greybull Post 32, Historic Legion Hall Rehabilitation Project

2017, Museum of the Occidental Hotel, Brick Facade Restoration, Work in Progress

2017, The Art of Carl Link, The Nicolaysen Art Museum

2017, Fort Caspar Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Addendum Plaque at Fort Caspar

2017, Cadoma Foundation, Bishop House Attic During Restoration