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ART 321's conference will take place May 20-22 and can be attended either online or in-person, supported in part by a grant from the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund.
Originally developed in response to the Wyoming Department of Health's State Health Assessment, this state-wide conference brings artists, healthcare providers, community service providers and others together to build a coalition around addressing and improving health outcomes in our communities. It features current program efforts from around the state, discussions on community grand health challenges, sessions on developing cross-sector partnerships between providers and artists, and a Youth Mental Health First Aid Training presented by Mercer House Family Resource Center.
ART 321 hopes that with each year to come this conference will provide the resources and networking opportunities necessary for artists and arts organizations in Wyoming to strengthen existing and develop new arts in health programs.
Wyoming has long been identified as having one of the highest suicide rates in the nation, the worst youth incarceration rate in the nation, and as having struggles with substance abuse. Keynote speaker Lindsay Huse, Chief of Public Health Nursing at the Wyoming Department of Health, and other guests will speak to the continuum of impact that different types of arts in health programs and creative expression have on health outcomes. Some particular areas of concern that are addressed this year are, substance abuse, youth health and development, mental health, aging, access and self-authorship of people with disabilities, how to fund arts in health programs, clinical music therapy, and pursuing cultural equity as a means of improving health, among others.
If you are concerned about improving the health outcomes of those in your community, whether you have experience or not, we hope you join us virtually or in-person for this event. Through a collective cross-sector response to Wyoming health concerns we can foster a healthier, happier, more vibrant community for all.
Registration is available on a pay-what-you-can basis and participants may attend online or in-person. The Youth Health Mental Health First-Aide training is available during registration but to attend this portion attendees must register by May 1st!
Youth Mental Health First-Aide Training Description: Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. This 8-hour training gives adults who work with youth the skills they need to reach out and provide initial support to adolescents (ages 12-18) who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care."


2021 Keynote Speakers:

  • Dallas Chief Eagle - All Nations Gathering Center
    • Speaking on the impact of culturally rooted traditions and creative practices. Dallas is world renowned Lakota Hoop Dancer a traditional native healing and expressive practice 
  • Lindsay Huse - State Supervisor, Public Health Nursing WY Dept Health

    • Will speak on the spectrum of care, interventions, and ways in which the arts can measurably impact health outcomes. 

  • Yoko Nogami - Culture of Recovery 

    • Culture of Recovery Increased retention in substance abuse programs from 30%-70% through culturally relevant arts programming

    • Article on Program Impact

  • Keynote Panel Discussion: "Strengthening a Coalition to Improve Health Outcomes of WY Residents Through Cross-Sector Partnerships"


2021 Planning Committee:

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