At last! The show can go on AND with curtains! After 11 long years, the Evanston Cultural Center (aka Strand Theatre) can now boast having curtains, making us a little more “uptown” now! Several years ago, Michael Currey, of Ballet West in Salt Lake, visited our theatre and stated he wanted to help us, and he designed an affordable curtain system for us. Unfortunately, he left Ballet West, so we checked with a theatrical rental house to see if they could do the same project for us. Oasis Stage Werks, Salt Lake City, UT, said of course, and we applied to the Wyoming Cultural Trust for funding. Thanks to the very supportive Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund and receiving a small match from Sagebrush Theatre, (our local theatre group and partner), Urban Renewal was able to get the curtain system installed, and what a difference they make! We are thrilled!