WCTF Grant Application Process:

The Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund has two grant deadlines per year: April 1 for projects/events/activities which begin after July 1; and October 1 for projects/events/activities which begin after January 1.

You may contact the WCTF Program Coordinator, Renée Bovée, via email at renee.bovee@wyo.gov or by calling 307-777-6312 at any time to bounce around ideas and possible applications, to learn how to submit a draft application for review, or for any questions.

The WCTF guidelines and application have been updated. Be sure to read through the revised guidelines, available below.


Foundant Technologies offers a training overview of how to create an account and starting an application. Please CLICK HERE  for further information. 


All grant processes have shifted to an electronic grant application process. Please CLICK HERE for the Cultural Trust Fund grant application portal.

Please note, if you have used the Foundant portal for applying to the Wyoming Arts Council or the Wyoming Humanities Council, you will still need to create a new Wyoming non-profit or governmental entity Organizational and User Profile with the Cultural Trust Fund grant portal.

The April 1, 2025 deadline is a hard deadline. All grant applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on April 1.


Attention Prior Grant Recipients:

If you received a WCTF grant prior to the October 1, 2022, no legacy information has been transferred into this Foundant portal. You must complete your Final Report and provide any supporting documents through the traditional paper process. A copy of the Final Report form is provided below. This Final Report form is a Word (.doc) document which you can complete on your computer. However original ink signatures are still required with this form.

The one piece of good news is you do not have to US Mail the paper hard copy of the Final Report to the Cultural Trust Fund. You still need to complete the paper copy, get it signed with original signatures, but you can then scan it and send it and any supporting documentation via email attachment to renee.bovee@wyo.gov.


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